Aiden Jack

I received some distressing news this morning. My cousin’s baby, Aiden Jack, died on Monday. He was just one hundred and eight days old. He was born on December 30th 2005 and on December 31st was Guest of Honour at the New Years Party hosted by his Grand Parents. I remember Nicola being there with her new baby being fussed over. I held him, such a tiny little thing, helpless in my arms.

Jenny and I went to his Christening and I hope that him being Christened acts as some small comfort for his Parents and Grand Parents. To me, no comfort. He was just 108 days old and he never had a chance. It makes one realise just how fragile this thing called ‘life’ is. This thing that we all take for granted but can be taken from us so quickly and remorselessly. I cannot imagine how Nicola must be feeling. To lose a child, it must hurt so much. I can feel myself getting upset just at trying to imagine how Aiden’s Mother and Father are feeling and I have never experienced anything which would enable me to comprehend a loss so complete and terrible. It must be sickening, life destroying, total emotional collapse.

Can you imagine? Can you?

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