August 2020 blog-a-day challenge

I’ve done these before as a way to kickstart my blogging when it stalled. My last post was September 2019 and a lot has happened since then. Lot’s that I could be writing about but I’ve typically found other things to do. Let’s get back into blogging with a 31 day challenge. Here’s the (incomplete) list of subjects which will be posted:

1. blog name and meaning
2. How the coronavirus has affected me
3. 3 favourite books
4. My dream job
5. Black Lives Matter
6. What I’m afraid of
7. 3 favourite songs
8. My family
9. 3 goals for next year
10. How was your weekend?
11. Favourite picture from 2020
12. Favourite quotes
13. Biggest regret
14. On this day
15. A place I want to visit
16. Midway review
17. What’s so bad about Mondays?
18. Current relationship status
19. Top 3 movies
20. Life is too Sport
21. What are you reading now?
22. Proudest moment
23. Social Media
24. All about Tom
25. The second greatest game of all time
26. On this day II
27. The greatest game of all time
28. What phone do you have?
29. Reviewing the  #august2020challenge
30. Why do you blog?
31. An announcement

If you have any suggestions for things to write about please leave a comment below.

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