Blog Upgrade

So I finally, after many months of putting it off, upgraded to WordPress 2.0 (or in this case 2.0.5). Didn’t take long, I just had to play around with getting the database and related files off Hastyhost and added to an old sub-forum on Bluehost then upgrading and a fresh install on this URL which is with Dreamhost then a quick dip into phpmyadmin to steal the database again, this time from Bluehost and dump the database tables on the new database with Dreamhost and then import the old tables from Bluehost to the new database on Dreamhost and piss about with some settings and such like to get the thing to point in the right direct and done.

Next step is to move the forums over to Dreamhost as well. Wish me huge amounts of luck, or something.

  1. I guess is has to be done by now…I get the temporary 404. So it gives me time to lurk in this blog…

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