Book: A Bloke’s Guide to Pregnancy

This book was recommended to me by a friend of mine who is in a similar situation. He said, read it, because a lot of what it says makes sense. So I’m reading it, and a lot of what I have read so far does actually make sense. In many ways it is a pretty scary thing to be reading – how things will change, how demanding things are going to get, how Jenny will start to act – but it is better to know about these things before hand than to be stumbling around blindly in the dark waiting for something to happen and to lack the ability to deal with it when it does. It’s like the horror movie you have watched a millions times before. You can brave the scary jump-out-of-your-seat parts because you know when they are going to occur and you’re prepared. Hopefully this book will enable me to prepare and hopefully Jenny with forgive me referring to her pregnancy as a horror movie. But then, in my defence, she did call our unborn child the Beast of Doom this morning. Or was the that cat? Hmph.

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