Busy busy busy

It’s been a while, huh? I’m still getting the odd visitor; usually redirected from porno sites, but anyway I should be recording what I have been doing and what is going on for my own use in the future rather than for anything else. So here goes.

Work should be getting better in about, ooh, 21 days. I have asked for and been offered a different position within the company. I was quite surprised, actually, with just how easy it was to get it sorted. I sent an email, explained I wanted to go and work in a different team (looking after large business accounts) and got a reply saying that there was a position but I need to decide there and then whether I was to take it or not.

So I said yes, I’ll take it. Job’s yours, well done, good bye, see you later, so long and thanks for all the fish.

I came into work the day after the offer/acceptance and people remarked just how much happier I seemed. I guess the prospect of Outbound was affecting me worse than I expected. Sure, I didn’t want to do it (which is of course why I looked elsewhere) but I didn’t realise I didn’t want to do it that much.

I start on the 4th December.

At home things are – let me try and explain this in a ‘good’ way – the honeymoon period is over. Things are still great between Jen and I but real life and the reality of struggling to run a home in today’s financial climate is setting in. We cope, but we’re not as well off as I would like us to be. On one hand the move from this team to the other and the subsequent loss of commission is a blow; but then I was not guaranteed to be earning like I was when we switch to Outbound from Retentions on the 1st January anyway. At least I’ll be happy in my work again. That can’t be anything but a good thing. But I was talking about home, not work.

Last week I called Directline and applied to re-mortgage my house. I have an agreement in principle which means providing I haven’t lied to them about my earnings or identity, everything is going through. I’m hoping to have the application completed this week and submitted. Then it’s a wait for the cash situation. The cash will be used to pay off some debts and decrease monthly outgoings. We’re also going to be splitting the domestic bills as from the New Year, so that’s a good thing too. Despite the change in job I shouldn’t be any worse off than I am. I guess you know things are shit when no change in circumstances is considered a good thing!

Outside the home we’re still having a blast. Still going out and enjoying ourselves. We might not be as rich as we wish we were but it does not stop us having a great time. This month has been eventful. We had the fireworks (and fireworks of a different kind after – I’ll come to that), this weekend we went to the Rocky Horror Show at the theatre (was fantastic), then Saturday night we were at my Mum’s for the night as my brother we up visiting. This week we are going to see Jen’s pal in ‘Allo ‘Allo. Then there is a party we are going to on Friday. Then the following weekend it’s pay day again and the start of another social season. Christmas is coming. We’re nearly in November, and whilst I hate the entire thing, I am partial to a beer or seven on the odd occasion. I used to enjoy going out on Christmas Eve and New Year, but I’m not sure if it will be a little bit too busy for me now. I guess I’m getting old…

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