Capcom Gives First Details On New Resident Evil!

If you check out My Top 5 Resident Evil Games article, you know that this is a franchise I love. Resident Evil 4 Remake and Resident Evil Village are both fantastic games and many of us have been patiently waiting for Capcom to reveal the next game. The Resident Evil Code Veronica Remake is something that I and many others would love and there have been some leaks that point to this and a remake of Resident Evil 5 being a thing. However, during the Capcom Next Summer 2024 Stream, we got the first details of what the next Resident Evil game will be or at the very least, an idea of what it will be.

The director of Resident Evil Biohazard/Resident Evil VII, Koshi Nakanishi had a few things to say. He also was the main man behind Resident Evil Mercenaries on the Nintendo 3DS and he even had a hand in Resident Evil 5 as well. During this event, he did not say much, but he did say this,

“It was really difficult to figure out what to do after Resident Evil 7 But I found it, and to be honest, it feels substantial. I can’t share any details just yet, but I hope you’re excited for the day I can.”

Another big rumor that has been floating around is that the next Resident Evil game will be an open-world experience. I thought that Resident Evil Village was fantastic, it is one of my favorite games in the series and one of my favorite games of this generation. However, I would not be upset if Koshi Nakanishi brought the series back to the more horror-focused style that he did with Resident Evil Biohazard. That game scaled the action back considerably and it was such a great and terrifying experience. I do wonder if he would be able to have such a tense experience in an open-world game though if I am being honest.

It may seem weird to get so excited about so little information, but what I got from the little bit of stuff Koshi Nakanishi was saying was that he had a clear plan for this next game and I cannot wait to see what it is. Will it be first person like Biohazard and Village? Will it go for the 3rd person style like the remakes of 2, 3, and 4 did? No matter what, this next Resident Evil game is something that I could not be any more hyped for. If I were a betting man, I would put money on us getting a trailer sooner rather than later and the game then coming out in the first half of 2025. Capcom has not usually made us wait a super long time when it comes to the time between a Resident Evil reveal trailer and its release date.

By the way, while I am very excited for what this next Resident Evil game is going to be. The point of this segment of the Capcom Next Summer 2024 Stream was to show off the fact that Resident Evil Biohazard was coming to mobile! It looked pretty cool and I am kind of intrigued as to how this is going to run, play and look on a mobile device.

What would you like to see in the next Resident Evil game? Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments section.

  1. Resident evil biohazard will be on mobile? Now that is something to look forward to!
    Bringing it to mobile means we can enjoy the game wherever we are, which is pretty convenient. Also, the graphics and gameplay are likely to be optimized for mobile devices, making the experience even more engaging. It’s going to be a great way to experience.
    I’m anticipating.

    1. Although, I feel that Capcom have over milked this their Resident Evil gaming IP. I don’t blame them actually because it’s still meeting their sales expectations because if not, they would have pulled the plug on it long time ago.

    2. I wouldn’t mind playing Resident Evil biohazard on mobile as long as Capcom is able to reduce the possibility of bugs stopping the fun. That would be my biggest challenge with it as far as I am concerned.

  2. I’m not shocked to see that they are bringing Resident Evil Biohazard to the mobile gaming platform. It’s very obvious now that no gaming company can overlook the pull coming from the mobile gaming platform.

    1. Whatever they do, they should be careful not to make a mess of the massive success they have enjoyed with the Resident Evil series. I would want a Resident Evil 5 remake as well with some different dynamics on it.

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