He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long...
I love this. Taken in June 2020 on a rainy summers day. We took a trip to Thorp Perrow arboretum....
I’ve been sat looking at this blank page for 30 minutes trying to think of a way to sum up my weekend. Between domestic violence, assault and sex offenders, its been a fairly standard weekend. Crazy, huh? That violence, assaults and sex offenders can be seen as ‘standard’ but welcome...
Let’s be honest here. 2020 has been a strange and terrible year. From the millions of acres of land destroyed...
EVERLONG by FOO FIGHTERS Two of my favourite Foo Fighters tracks are on the ’97 album The Colour and the Shape. ‘Everlong’ just beats out ‘My Hero’. The latter is more anthemic but ‘Everlong’ tugs at the soul. It’s felt as much as heard. It starts low and builds to...
Far from fearless I do consider myself to be ‘brave’. Doing the job I do I have to put aside...
A global movement coming to the forefront of public consciousness as we were in the midst of a global pandemic....
Don’t get me wrong. I love my job. The long hours fraught with danger, the lack of privacy, the huge impact on family life, missing birthdays and Christmas. I.. just.. love it. No, seriously, despite the sarcasm, I do. I get to make a real different to the lives of...
Consider Phlebas by Iain M. Banks This is quite possibly – along with book three in this list – what...
Without question the defining issue of 2020, the coronavirus pandemic and the COVID-19 disease which stems from it have had...
Hello. I’m alsarcastic. …and this is my blog. How did the name come about? This blog has been through many names over the years it has been active. (active!? – Ha!) alsarcastic is probably the longest serving blog name and I don’t intend to change it any time soon. Before...