Common Enemy

Supporters and family members of Jordanian pilot, Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh express their anger of his reported killing, at the tribal gathering chamber, Amman, Jordan, Tuesday, 3, 2015. A video released online Tuesday purportedly showed al-Kaseasbeh who was captured by the Islamic State extremist group in Syria being burned to death by his captors following a weeklong drama over a possible prisoner exchange. At the tribal meeting place where the pilot's relatives have waited for weeks for word on his fate, chants against Jordan's King Abdullah II erupted and some family members wept. (AP Photo/Raad Adayleh)

I am not anti-Muslim. I am anti-terror, anti-murder, anti-injustice. The news coming out of the Middle-East is the murder, the cruel, barbaric, horrific, murder of a Jordanian Pilot, Moaz al-Kasasbeh. He was burned alive to serve a political purpose. This is terrorism.

Something needs to be done. Action needs to be taken. The time for rhetoric and words is at an end. ISIS isn’t listening. It isn’t paying any attention to the Free World. It doesn’t care about us and will never be drawn to the negotiating table. We have here an organisation who’s sole purpose is to carve out a regime which kills – gratuitously and terribly – innocents. Civilians, men, women, children; none are free to live their lives under the Islamic State unless they do so under the strict rules and laws mandated by ISIS.

At what point will we, the Western Allies with our friends in the Arab Nations decide that enough is enough and wage war against ISIS? At what point will we finally decide that we cannot allow the cancer of ISIS to fester in the world? This is not al Qaeda, it is much, much, bigger and scarier than that. Militants and terrorists supporting this cause live in our towns and cities, in our neighbourhoods. They seek to undermine our way of life. They seek to kill us for daring to not live in the way they deem to be correct.

It’s time to bring to bear the full weight of the world’s military strength against ISIS. To root out this evil wherever it may fester. Only then will we be able to live in peace and not fear.

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