Finally caught up with Terry tonight after work. Looks like all is well. A ceasefire has been signed and the war is over.
I asked if everything was ok and said that I had taken note of his behaviour. He’s a little under the weather and has been since getting back from Ibiza. Also, he has an interview on Thursday for a job he must get. Failure is not an option. All this has worked up to make the poor guy feel run down. I suggested he gets an early night and pledged my support to interview preparation tomorrow.
He’s not going to be leaving at the end of the month now, and I honestly don’t mind. I told him it was fine and that he was welcome to stay. I wouldn’t kick him out or anything like that. We’ve been through a lot together and we’ve agreed that it is silly to fall out over such a minor thing.
Why is he staying? Well, it appears the plan is for him and Heidi to get somewhere together. I know she has been having some issues with her Mum. She isn’t very welcome at home which is why she is here so often. It’s a pain for her, I imagine and I do have some sympathy. It isn’t easy spending your time at home under pressure from one who should love you unconditionally.
So, Terry and Heidi shacked up together. I’m pleased for them if that is what they want. I hope it works out and they have my full support. I can be a good friend, and I have told Terry I will help him out as much as I can. It isn’t easy setting up on your own.
I still will be going through with the plans to complete renovations. Maybe, if I can get it sorted out soon, Sarah will be able to move in when Terry leaves. That would be ideal. I guess time will tell…