Day 8 – Your favourite internet friend

Ahh Kory,

You’re my internets bezzie and I kinda miss that we don’t spend as much time chatting as we did. Of all the people I’ve met online, you’re the only one that I wouldn’t be totally freaked out meeting; in fact I think it would be quite cool. I know you’ve mentioned several times about coming to the UK, but I have always wanted to come back to Canada, so I promise you this. Before we’re both dead, I’ll come see you. We’ll have some beers. Get wasted.

Sounds like a plan?



  1. Hey Al,

    Definitely sounds good to me! I’ll make it to the UK sooner or later that’s for sure (although you might just make it to Canada first haha). Possibly even as soon as this time next year, although a summer trip would be better than the winter I guess. But yes, before we pass on at the very least. It’s definitely something that I think about quite often. Probably every time we communicate on Facebook actually, so that’s a good thing. It’s never out of mind. I need to start researching flights, and prices and get a good round number set to achieve.

    I’m also glad we have Facebook at least. Can keep up to date and keep in touch now and again. I often reminisce about the good old days, having fun creating online communities and what not. Seems like so long ago…

    Nice to see the old blog is still afloat too!

    I had to Google “bezzie” but I pretty much guessed what it meant. It’s a UK thing according to Urban Dictionary, haha.

    Well it’s about 2:47 am and I’m half a sleep, but I’ll post something on FB when I get up! Thanks for the article, was nice to read.

    Hope Tom and Jen are doing good (they seem to be from what I can gather on your FB).

    Take care,


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