EA has removed all FIFA games from digital stores

In the lead-up to the release of EA Sports FC 24, which officially launches on September 29th, EA has removed all FIFA games from all digital stores. This includes all games from FIFA 14 to FIFA 23, which are no longer available for purchase digitally on PC and consoles.

Those who have previously purchased a FIFA game can still continue to play it, and you can also use physical copies. Additionally, FIFA 22 and FIFA 23 are still playable via EA Play, EA’s subscription service.

The removal of the old FIFA games from the digital shelves is not very surprising in itself. After all, EA no longer has the FIFA license and wants to focus all attention on its own football game, EA Sports FC.

  1. Was any reason given for the breakup of the relationship between EA and FIFA? Cost? A falling out? I remember playing FIFA on the MegaDrive! It’s a historic relationship and strange to see it gone.

    1. It all came down to money, and FIFA being greedy asshats. They DOUBLED the licence fee to $300 million and EA said, ‘I don’t THINK so!’

      I don’t think the lack of FIFA in the title will have any impact on sales. Everyone associates EA with the FIFA brand and I bet people still call it FIFA for years to come.

  2. This is not a surprise after FIFA stopped allowing EA to use the FIFA name in their games. I am very glad that even though the games have been removed from the stores and can no longer be purchased, they are still available to play for those who have purchased them over the years.

    I believe the breakup of the two was more about money than anything else. From what I understand, FIFA was asking for double the amount to allow EA to use the FIFA name, that amount was $150 million. EA started questioning what they were getting for the money they were paying and that led to the breakup.

  3. EA’s decision to remove older FIFA games from digital stores makes sense to me, as they want to shift focus to EA Sports FC 24. It’s a strategic move for the new release.

  4. The moment it was made know that EA no longer has the FIFA license, I knew that this was something that was going to happened and so it did. In the last 5 years, EA haven’t been brilliant with what they have been producing with the FIFA games. They were more interested in money than giving us something good to play.

  5. I didn’t know that EA no longer owned the rights to make FIFA games anymore. This is a great example of why physical is better than digital in my opinion. When games become de-listed from digital stores, you’re out of luck. These sports titles are usually purchased by fans ASAP however, but if all games ended up going digital only I can see them being lost to time.

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