
I’ve applied for a new job – finally my ticket out of here. Monday I passed my driving test (yay – about time!!) and Tuesday I saw a position advertised for a BME (Business Markets Exec) based reasonably local to where I live and I figured there is no time like the present to get an application in. I’ve waited around, treading water, for too long to be able to pass up any opportunity which presents itself to me. This opportunity was simply too ideal for me to not apply. I had no choice, okay, I had a had, we always have choices, even choosing not to choose is making a choice. It’s like voting. Today is local election day. I’m not voting. I’m exercising political power by choosing that none of the clones are any good or deserve my support. Fuck ’em. But I digress.

This position is a business to business sales role with a decent salary, company car and commission to be had assuming one meets one’s targets which are not unreasonable. Typically other people doing the job I’ll be doing earn in the region of £50,000. To put that into silly US money, it’s 99,655.43 USD. Not bad, huh? And I believe I have a very good chance of getting it.

I’m ready for this now. I have spent the last four years working towards this goal and have built up a shit load of experience in the field and of this company. I have expertise in all areas of the business and can sell the product. Like I put on my application, I have the skills and experience to become established and the ambition and desire to succeed.

I just need to sell that – sell me – at an interview. I can do it. I’m a confident person, aren’t I? I can talk to people, I’m witty and intelligent and likeable, and I have a real desire for this role.

Bleh. Wish me luck.

  1. I wish you all the best for the interview. I’ve got all of the experience building to do in the years to come, but I probably won’t get a worthwhile job with my company since they’ll choose the drones they invest money in over me any day. Eh, long story.

    Good luck!

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