Fat bastard

COPYRIGHT: www.pressebuero.de

I am fat and unhealthy.

There, I said it. A bit like the “I am an alcoholic” thing, but with less stigma attached. I’ve joined the fat bastard demographic. It’s like this:

  • I’m 31
  • I have a static job
  • I love junk food (pizza, indian, mcdonalds)
  • I love beer and wine
  • I love Coca-Cola
  • I love my computer and sitting here with either a game, or building (or working on) a website
  • I don’t like exercise
  • I’m 6′ 6″ tall and weigh approx. 17st (238 lb or 108 kilos)

All in all, it’s a pretty sad story and a recipe for early death – and more importantly – failing to get in to my chosen career.

Last year I applied to join the Police. I kinda blagged the application, and blagged the assessment and I got through. I’m good with words and I’m an impressive communicator. It’s my skill. The hurdle is going to be the fitness test. We’ve been told that there will not be any recruitment until 2010 at the earliest, but I can’t sit her getting fatter and wait. I need to start taking action now.

Okay, I need to start taking action tomorrow.

I’m not going to stop drinking, I’m not going to stop enjoying myself, but I am going to start eating better; and with eating better hopefully I’ll start to feel better, start to feel more active, and maybe – just maybe – start to feel like exercise is a good thing to be doing.

That’s the goal. Step one is a change of diet.

Currently my diet consists of:

  • Breakfast: Sausages, hash browns, mushrooms, beans. Coke.
  • Snack: Chocolate.
  • Lunch: Sandwich on white bread. Eggs, or ham or something. Coke.
  • Snack: Crisps or more choc.
  • Dinner: Coke, or beer or wine. Maybe a takeaway if I’m feeling hungry.

The plan going forward is:

  • Breakfast: Weetabix & banana.
  • Snack: Fruit.
  • Lunch: Pasta or rice or salad.
  • Snack: Fruit salad or yogurt.
  • Dinner: Weetabix.

Once I start training, Dinner will be something like chicken and vegatables. But first of all I want to get into the habit of actually having healthy foods.

High fibre, low fat. Importantly, no Coke. (okay, so I’m not going to go cold turkey, but it needs to be a treat not a regular intake)

This starts tomorrow. Today I’m going to make a pasta salad for lunch tomorrow and I’ll take everything to work with me in the morning.

Maybe in a few weeks I’ll be less of a fat bastard. It’s time to start getting in shape.

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