February update

Well, it’s been a while since I found the time to post here. Life has been busy. Working hard and shortly I’ll be moving house. I’m leaving my lovely little flat and going home. I have a house in the town which I have been renting out for the last 18 months or so. I was contemplating moving back and had my hand forced last month when my tenant handed in her notice. If it’s true that everything happens for a reason, then maybe this is one of those things. I was thinking about it, but then it happened anyway.

I’m happy about the change and looking forward to getting ‘home’. For the first time in a really long time I have the means to make my home somewhere I am comfortable and content. Financially I’m better off now than I have ever been and the change to the old house is going to save me money each month; money I can put towards making some changes to the house.

It’s going to be a work in progress and it won’t happen overnight. I want to get in and settled before I start making decisions about what I am going to change or fix or work on. I’ll endeavour to keep this blog up-to-date with what I am planning – if you’re at all interested.

So there we are; February’s update. Next time I post here I’ll be back in my little house. Happy. Content. Smiling.

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