I logged onto Twitter quickly last night and saw the news regarding Funcom’s Q1 results and news that their stock has it an all time low. Commentary on the official forums took a typical gloomy stance with the revelation of this news:
Good will between the customer base and the service company is critical to both the longterm success of a venture and the company’s reputation. Funcom squandered its good will when complaints came in and they were disregarded as challenges to their expertise. A service company that has poor processes for providing what the customer wants will always get devalued when the market perception catches up to them.
Failed advocacy. Failed class balance. Failed performance issues. Failed in-game customer support. Failed corporate communications. Fixes have always happenned 6 months after people quit the game.
2 and half years later the game is still in beta with many of the same bugs it had at launch. While I understand they needed to release the game at launch to stay solvent, RotGS should never have been released with failed memory issues and lag that still exists. The recent survey should have happenned a full year ago when the customer base asked for it.
Now the discussion of free to play is here. More fail sauce for their stock value.
After today, I think I am forever done posting on the AoC forums. Finals are coming up, I no longer have any desire to play this game and my 6 months sub is up in September and I have no plans on ever renewing.
Basically I am burned out from giving this company ideas to fix a game they have no plans on fixing. They just want to string out our subs as long as possible so they can rush out TSW and start on their next failed MMO. And honestly after AO and AOC, who thinks they are not going to release TSW half finished and full of bugs? Its like the company motto, LOL.
Game is done, company is done and I am done.
GG guys.
Read the full bitch-fest here: FUNCOM stock hits all time low.