Geordie Robots lol

My friend just text me, “lol geordie robots. classic”.

What the are you talking about?

“I take it you’re not watching Big Brother then.”

I forgot it was even on. I take some small pride from not being able to name a single housemate. I have not seen a single episode of Big Brother this year. That said, I didn’t see any of last years and perhaps even the year before that. I liked Big Brother before it was cool to like Big Brother, and I disliked it before it was cool to dislike it. I guess I’m just some kind of edgy fashionista or whatever the terminology is these days.

Instead, and in preparation for the new movie out next week, I’m taking advantage of Film Four’s genius scheduling of Predator, complete with classic Arnie one-liners, ‘Stick around’, and ‘knock knock’. They don’t make ’em like they used to.

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