Helldivers 2 Review Bombing Reversed

Recent headlines have been dominated by Microsoft’s decision to close major studios, briefly diverting attention from last week’s contentious issue where Sony required all Helldivers 2 PC players to link a PlayStation Network (PSN) account to continue playing the game. This requirement was particularly problematic in regions where linking a PSN account isn’t possible.

In response, disgruntled players flooded Helldivers 2 with negative reviews on Steam, effectively using the platform as a protest tool rather than a reflection of the game’s inherent quality. Under pressure, Sony ultimately withdrew the PSN account requirement just days before its implementation.

Following the reversal of Sony’s decision, there has been a community-driven initiative to convert the negative reviews into positive ones to support the game and its developer, Arrowhead. This effort has shown significant results; over 200,000 reviews have either been revised to positive or added anew, boosting the game’s rating from under 50% positive to 72% mostly positive. Recent reviews have shown a more mixed sentiment, indicating a shift from the overwhelmingly negative reactions seen initially.

Despite this improvement, not all aspects of the controversy are resolved. Sony’s initial move to pull Helldivers 2 from sale in 177 regions as a precursor to the PSN linking requirement has not been completely reversed. It is anticipated that the game will return to these markets, though no immediate changes have been announced.

There are also reports suggesting that Arrowhead’s community manager, who had encouraged the negative reviews as a form of protest, might have faced repercussions. Although it is unclear whether he was dismissed or merely reprimanded, his recent social media activity suggests significant consequences. His approach, while controversial, underscored the power of community action within gaming.

As for Helldivers 2, the game seems poised to move beyond this episode, with new updates including major orders and fresh gear and weapons, signaling a return to its core space warfare theme. This incident highlights the dynamic and sometimes volatile relationship between game developers, publishers, and the gaming community.

  1. I keep asking the question if Sony doesn’t know that there are some countries where those games are played but they have issues with linking a PSN account because it’s not possible before they push out such updates or are they just being silly?

  2. I’m glad to hear that the review bombing for Helldivers 2 has been reversed. It’s unfortunate when negative actions from a vocal minority can overshadow the hard work and dedication of developers. It’s important for the gaming community to come together to support games and developers, rather than tear them down with unfair criticism. Hopefully, this reversal will help bring more positive attention to the game and allow it to thrive as it deserves.

  3. I have always said that these companies should always put the players into consideration when they are making certain decisions, and this is one of it. I understand that the players giving out negative reviews in the first place weren’t right, but they acted because they were angry.

  4. I have not played the first Helldivers game so I do not know much about the second installment. But I was aware about the issue as I try to keep up with gaming news. There has been a lot of incidents when big studies had to bow down the the users need.

  5. Sony reversed their decision and immediately want the negative reviews to turn positive? I’m sure they did not think the outcome of their requirement that far before they made it. Perhaps they should learn to understand the plight of gamers where its difficult to link their PSN.
    Well hell divers 2 surely looks like it’s set to bounce back from this challenging situation.

  6. Wow, the Helldivers 2 saga has been a rollercoaster! Sony’s PSN account requirement was a huge misstep, especially in regions without PSN support. It’s great to see the community rally to support Arrowhead by converting those negative reviews into positives. This shows the power of gamers when they come together.

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