Holiday day two. 

Holiday day two (written on the morning of day three). Slightly fuzzy head this morning. Last night we dined at a cheap and cheerful restaurant and I met some of the ‘neighbours’. Paul from Oldham with a self-inflicted OAFC tattoo on his arm was sat to my right; opposite, ex-RSM and Spurs fanatic Carole. Interesting people. I stuffed myself on chicken and chips and vast quantities of beer. 

In the morning I accompanied Bys into the town, cycling on a steed from the land that time forgot. It’s an easy downhill mile to the sleepy settlement and a not-so-easy return journey back up the hill. The town, or village is perhaps more accurate, is sleepy. Quiet. There are no young people. There’s very little money around here, the youth perhaps attracted either to the larger resorts like Albufeira or to Lisbon or Porto. But I quite like that about this part of the world. The pace is sedate. Nothing happens quickly. Everything is laid back, lazy, languid. 

And that was my day, after the run to town. Lazing by the pool. Chatting amiably with family. Something which it seems we don’t often get the chance to do in the ‘real world’. Sipping a bottle of beer, watching the world slowly go by. 

Life is good. 

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