Is The Original Fortnite Map Coming Back After Leak?

If you have been playing quite a lot of Fortnite, especially in the last season which is Chapter 4 Season 4, you will know that at the moment there is an in-game time machine and a Fortnite leaker has suggested that it could mean we will be seeing the return of the Fortnite Chapter 1 Map when we go into Chapter 4 Season 5.

Fortnite leaker, HypeX has taken to their Twitter account to reveal several findings regarding the new Fortnite season which is due to drop on November 3rd 2023. It should be noted that even though HypeX has not always got the timings for leaks right, the leaks that they do mention are always from content that has been added to the game by Epic Games. HypeX has also been known to correctly predict map changes within Fortnite in the past so if anyone has a fair idea of what is to come, it will definitely be HypeX.

At the moment HypeX is reporting that when we go into Chapter 4 Season 5 we will be greeted with the Chapter 1 map when we pass through the in-game time machine which at the moment is showing the date 12th of July 2018 which was the day Chapter 1 Season 5 launched.

Players will start Chapter 4 Season 5 at the very beginning of Chapter 1 which will take us back to possibly the very first map we saw on Fortnite and will slowly change throughout to show Chapter 1 seasons up until the conclusion.

Below is the tweet from HypeX regarding the leak:

So far, HypeX has not said that we will be going back to the very first map even though this is a possibility and we could instead see maps from a little later in Chapter 1 when we go back.

If you are a long-standing player of Fortnite, you will remember many of the popular places from the Chapter 1 map such as Loot Lake, Pleasant Park, Retail Row, Anarchy Acres and even Dusty Depot/Divot. The leak posted by HypeX on their Twitter does show Loot Lake so this could be confirming that we will be seeing Loot Lake in the game during this time.

If the latest update to Fortnite is anything to go by, we have already seen props from Chapter 1 Season 5 scattered around the current Fortnite Map in Chapter 4 Season 4 which could be teasers from Epic Games.

With just over three weeks to go before the new season, there is still time to find out more and the leaks so far should only be taken lightly. I guess the good thing is that we do not have too long to wait to see if these leaks are indeed correct.

Very exciting times for long-standing Fortnite players!

  1. Usually Fortnite doesn’t seem to recycle assets, so if the leak is true this will be a first if I’m not mistaken. I would love to see them bring back the old map as I never played the game back when it first launched and never played on the original map. This could possibly lead to them re-releasing old skins again, I really hope so since I missed out on the Raven and Beast Boy skins that were released a bit ago. I suppose it may be trickier to get old skins since they would probably have to get the rights again to re-distribute the skins.

  2. Although it’s been a long time since I’ve played Fortnite, I remember this map because I was playing Fortnite in its early stages, I certainly didn’t know that said map was no longer available to players due to my absence in Fornite, but if said informant Hypex is right and doesn’t fail, the mythical map could be revisited

  3. I’ve not played Fortnite for over a year now. I’m completely lost in what’s been happening in the game. It should be by the ending is 2021 when I played Fortnite last. I will need to get back into the game once more to even know what’s happening.

  4. Loot Lake, Pleasant Park and Retail Row are some of my favorite spots in the original map of Fortnite. I would definitely be thrilled to play through them once again. There’s a uniqueness that came with the original Fortnite map and I can’t wait to play the map all over again. I know they might not bring back everything but let’s keep our fingers crossed.

  5. As someone who didn’t play much in Chapter 1 and only really started playing more in Chapter 2 during the pandemic and the first set of lockdowns, I am very excited to see Chapter 1 return only for a little while.

    My first drop will be Wailing Woods or Pleasant Park as I have missed those spots. Will be nice to be able to drop at Retail Row and Tilted Towers again too!

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