It seems that everyone is ‘blogging’, so why not jump on the band wagon?

Welcome to ‘Random Words’, the Devious Tyrant weblog where you will find my ‘Musings on Life, The Universe and Everything’.

This is the second incarnation of ‘Random Words’. The first one stalled and was eventually trashed. But a fresh start is a ‘good thing’, right? I’ll keep this updated with moments from my life, inane ramblings, interesting commentaries (yeah, whatever) and anything else that jumps up and bites me on the ass.

It would appear that all of Gamingforums is blogging, so if you know me from there, feel free to post a comment below. If you have a blog of your own and would like to be added to the Blog Buddies section on the side bar, then add the URL, name and a one line description in a comment and I’ll fix you up with a link. Also, feel free to add a link to this site on your blog.

I’m using WordPress and I must say I am very impressed with everything about it. The interface, the options, the ease of use. It’s all good and far better than any of the other weblog software I have used. If you have your own hosting, this would be the software I’d personally recommend. In fact, here it is if you want to download it and use it for yourself.

That’s all for now. See you next time.


  1. Lookin’ good. I love this layout so much, that I’m going to use WordPress for my own blog, as I just can’t be bothered setting up PHPNuke.

    Just a suggestion: Perhaps you could add a link back to the main page on your photo page, as I found it to be lacking one.

    Other than that, nice new design.

  2. thats coming out today over here in the states (the hitch hikers guid to the galaxy movie). i’m going to be seeing it. i’ll post a review on my site and on the forums.

  3. “Just a suggestion: Perhaps you could add a link back to the main page on your photo page, as I found it to be lacking one.”

    If you click the title you’ll be redirected back to the main page. I purposefully left off the side bar as it interferes with the page.

    “thats coming out today over here in the states (the hitch hikers guid to the galaxy movie). i’m going to be seeing it. i’ll post a review on my site and on the forums.”

    Don’t give too much away (although I’ve read all five books) as I haven’t seen it just yet.

  4. “Sweetness! The Red and black kicks some major ass, and I will be hear each day to check on new writings!”

    I’m pleased you like it. Thanks for your help on the installation. Much appreciated.

  5. WordPress is awesome – great find! I love the newspaper-style text it uses and its lack of useless features you have to disable.

    Do you find that when you edit a link it off-sets the text? It’s probably a bug…

  6. I’m glad you like it. I’ve tried b2evolution, Nucleus and pMachine. WordPress is by far the easiest and best to use and work with.

    “Do you find that when you edit a link it off-sets the text? It’s probably a bug…”

    I’m not sure what you are referring to. I haven’t noticed issues so far.

    Anyway, here’s a theme browser and plugin directory for WP:

  7. oh, don’t worry, i’m not going to spoil anything form the movie. i don’t remember details of the book, so i’m hoping that as far as enjoying the movie goes thats a good thing.

    and whats the quote tag? vb code style, html, what?

  8. It’s html:

    (blockquote) (/blockquote)

    ‘‘ instead of ‘(’ and ‘)’, of course.


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