January Photo a Day Challenge #2

The second part of the January Photo a Day challenge. Some of these were tough. Texture seems like an easy concept but getting something to fit and not be overly bland required a bit of thought. Bright just hit at the right moment. In bed thinking of inspiration, turned my head to one side.

7. Dark

8. From a low angle

9. Colourful

10. Bright

11. In between

12. Texture

Next up are ordinary, close-up, candid, happy, in my home and exercise.

  1. Just a quick question. What is the texture photo? Looks like a close up of something, but what?

  2. Aaah that tree looks like a woman in a dress whose head would’ve been pierced by branches! That trunk would have made a nice texture picture, too. As it is, I rack my brain like linden_holder — what could that be representing? It looks like fuzzy wool but, as a knitter, I have no idea how wool could be fixed that way. Do end the suspense soon, please! 😀

  3. Another set of interesting photos. The one of your son is great. Take as many of those as you can, I know it’s a cliche, but they grow up so fast, and being able to look back at the photos will be a blessing for you one day. I guess bright was your “light bulb” moment! I actually think it was the best. Can’t wait till next week. Thanks for posting.

  4. I’m new here, but this is such a cool idea! I will definitely be looking at more or your blog to fine out where this all started and where you got the inspiration for this. Very impressive, very artistic and great way to practice someone’s photography skills as well! I might even try this myself.

  5. The ones that really stick out for me are “from a low angle” and “colourful”. I also like “bright” – all of them are good really. But the one that’s really intriguing, and I couldn’t figure out was “texture” – it’s awesome!

    Well done with these; I’m looking forward to the next batch.

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