January Photo a Day Challenge #3

Part three. Happy and exercise were difficult because I rarely am and rarely do these days. But I managed.

13. Ordinary

14. Close-up

15. Candid

16. Happy

17. In my home

18. exercise

Next up are icy/ice, imperfect, noise, from where I stand, a favourite thing and shiny.

  1. The one with the tomato looked crisp. Seeing the tomato makes me hungry which my mom is preparing some pasta bake casserole. The last photo of the dude on the trampoline was funny. It reminded me of the juggies from the Man Show.

  2. Once again, a great set of photos. I really love the first and last photos. Exercise should be subtitled – “Fun”. Socks drying on the radiator really brings back memories of my childhood – in the winter we would come in from playing in the snow and put all our clothes on the radiator to dry and warm. As soon as we had warmed up a little, we’d put a new set of clothes on and run outside. When we ran out of room on the radiator, my mom would put her foot down and tell us we couldn’t go out any more. Thanks for posting!

    1. You had a chance to play in the snow. I did not when I was growing up. I just lived in the valley all my life so I never had the chance to explore. We do not get snow where I live which is good for me since I do not want to be out there shoveling the snow around.

  3. I also love the radiator+socks picture, it has a very cozy winter feel. I also liked the Mr Happy cup better before I read that it was easier than to illustrate “real” happiness which did not happen for you often. So the happy pic sort of made me sad. But still, not a bad set.

    1. I try to stay cool but man this weather has been a bit weird. It is tough to balance the good and bad weather where I live. I just think it would improve when it gets to March.

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