Let down

I’d would have rather they just said they didn’t want to go.

I ordered four tickets to the Funny Bones comedy night which is a monthly thing they do locally. I did order them for a couple of friends of mine, but they were booked for a wedding tonight (and now have been hit by swine flu!) so couldn’t make it. I asked around and two of our mutual friends said they’d like to go. Coolio I thought. Nice people, have a few drinks, all good.

Well, apparently, whilst driving back from Scotland, a tire blew out and they can’t make it. It’s one hour to go. I’d rather they’d just said “we don’t want to go” or even better told me a few days ago so I could have got the tickets palmed off on someone else. Let down. Tickets were £10 each, so it’s not a huge amount of money, but now they’re wasted. I was giving them away but now they’re just going to go in the bin.

Ahh well. It will be a good night anyway. I think one or 12 drinks is in order. I start my diet on Monday so I need to make the most of tonight.

I think I’ll even have a pizza — with garlic sauce.

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