Love what you do

I often forget just how lucky and privileged I am to have a job that I love. It’s not an easy job. I get abused, assaulted, criticised. I see people get hurt. I see people at their absolute worst. Mental health issues, drug issues, alcohol issues. I see pain, suffering, loss. And I’m expected to shoulder it all and be the one that others look to for support and for answers. I’m accused of being unfair when I am being fair. I am accused of being aggressive when I’m being firm. I’m accused of being uncaring when I am concerned.

I’ve been punched, kicked, spat at, screamed at, sworn at, insulted, threatened. I’ve been told I’m useless, a bully, a bastard. I’m disrespected at every turn, yet I continue to turn out and continue to do my duty. I’m viewed with suspicion and held to account. I sometimes get it wrong and I deal with the consequences of that. I more often than not get it right. When there is danger it’s me who runs towards it whilst you run from it.

I’m a nurse, a paramedic, a social worker, a psychologist, a support worker, a diplomat, a fighter, a protector, a driver, an investigator, a counsellor. I am the shield, I am the shepherd, I am the one who stands in harm’s way.

I do not want laurels, I do not wish for plaudits. I don’t need them. I love what I do and consider it an honour to serve. If only everyone was so lucky.

If you love what you do then you’ve made it. You don’t need to make huge amounts of money. The real reward is in the knowledge of a job well done. If you can get satisfaction from your vocation, hold on to that as best you can, because that’s privilege.

Love what you do.

  1. I think loving what you do is half of the battle with work, and if you’re very lucky you might just be able to get into a job like that! I know that in many respects my job (a work from home freelance writer and editor) is my dream job – the only catch at the moment is that I don’t have enough clients for the jobs that I really enjoy doing to pay the bills, so I have to do a lot of filler work, which isn’t quite as good. But I know that in the end I will get the clients that I need, and as a result of this I am carrying on even though it might seem a little bit difficult sometimes!

    1. I hear you. My story is very similar. I take on all of the extra jobs I can in my work-at-home lifestyle. Luckily, my income is merely supplemental, in addition to what my husband makes at his job. Even then, life can get challenging at times with paying the bills and having anything left over at the end of the month and what-have-you. Hard work and dedication is key, I guess, to success at what you have chosen to do.

  2. It’s so important to love what you do! It’s a battle to get there, but once you have grasped the ability to get to where you can follow your dreams, its well worth the battle. I am currently studying to be a Vet Technician. I hope one day to end up in Environmental protective services once day, rescuing animals and helping our Earth. Wish me luck!

  3. I think loving what you do is one of the most important things in life. It helps you to endure all the difficulties that come with your job. if you love what you are doing, it’s easier to just get up in the morning and do it, no matter how hard it is. You could have a very well paid job but if you don’t like it, it becomes really unbearable after a while. People need to understand that a job is not all about money, it’s about passion, love, fulfillment. I admire you for what you do every day, it must be hard but it’s thanks to people like you, who do their jobs with love, that we are able to feel a bit safer. keep up the good work!

  4. Absolutely, we need to love what we do, or else, what’s the point? You can get paid well for a job you loathe, or you can do a job (well-paying or not) that you really like. The difference is less stress and a lot more enjoyment. It doesn’t matter if you’re rich and famous or a school custodian, if you like what you do, you’re doing well in life.

  5. Inspiring story that encourages people to love work and excel with hard work of our hands. You save many lives, who, countless of them are at the brink of death. Anyone in your position will always battle to be strong and compassionate to do the job with saving, if not, making the person in the ambulance stretcher better or make relief possible and attainable.

    I know it, because I had seen the paramedic care for my, then, 5 year-old daughter, with me in the ambulance van. He loves his job. He makes an impact to those he has in contact with in his line of duty.

  6. I have seen business speakers such as Gary Vaynerchuk on YouTube tell the audience that they need to get out of the job they hate. At one point, he said something along the lines of, “You say you don’t have time? You’re wrong! You do have time! Stop watching Lost!” I have a feeling that Vayner is right; everyone could have a job that they love, it’s just that some people don’t try. Sure it might be difficult for me now, but if I do some studying in college, I will have even more opportunities! I totally agree with this idea; do what you love, and love what you do!

  7. I can’t agree more with this post! As a writer, the work I do does not always pay well, but the satisfaction of touching my audience with written words is beyond any feeling I have ever known. I revel in responses to my articles and see every comment as an opportunity to reach out to others. Is it tough to get steady freelance gigs? Absolutely! But the pride I feel at the end of the day is irreplaceable and something I have never felt with any other job.

  8. So often the very people who are here to protect us and make our lives better are the ones that get – sometimes literally – shot down. I mean really, how many times have you heard of police officers being fired for misconduct. When the person they were arresting was the one who made all the fuss? How many times do you hear of bus drivers, train attendees and ambulance workers being verbally assaulted and beaten to near death?

    It’s terrifying, knowing that there are people out there who have done so and probably will do so again.

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