Made some changes

WordPress has yet to cease to amaze me. I’ve just made a few changes to the layout of the blog in just a couple of minutes. Two new categories were added, ‘Entertainment’ and ‘Site related’, and the side bar has been reorganised.

I prefer the new side bar to the standard layout and it was incredibly easy to put together as all the xxx.php files are accessible and editable from the admin panel.

I will look at creating a new style soon enough as my skills in editing css and php improve. Right now, I’m a n00b when it comes to these things, but the ease of use of WordPress is encouraging to someone who is normally scared of screwing up anything coding related.

I have yet to decide whether to make this blog the main page of Devious Tyrant or to create a new homepage and link from there.

I’ve just realised that there is no way to get from there to here, so I’ll go about fixing that now.

There we go. Homepage now links direct to the blog rather then the forums. People can follow a link on the sidebar to reach the forums if they wish.


From this to what you see now in a few hours. I took the existing theme and completely revamped it. It took a lot of trial and error to get right and certain things stumped me for what seemed like days. This .php malarky is pretty easy if you’re prepared to roll up your sleeves and crack on with it.

I am very pleased with the results and I hope you are too!

  1. Lookin’ lovely. The best bit, or at least of what I’ve found so far, is the part of the admincp that allows you to change the directory of the blog relative to your website without editing the files yourself. All you have to do is change the directory setting in the relative part of the control panel, and it does the rest. This is the first time I’ve seen a function like this in a CMS.

  2. Very nice work indeed. I will continue to make art work for the site and help when needed! DT pwns, and this new blog just add’s to it. Well done. I actually uploaded a blogger program yesturday on likwid. I was going to go with WordPress, but decided to take a different path and went to (the best site to find great html, php, database, blog programs etc…) and then looked at the best “guest” rated blog program. Now, I’m not one to just select what other’s pick as the best, so I looked around and then came across a program called ‘boastology’ I then installed it and started playing around. Well I was going to go and claim that the new gizblog, but after going so far on blogspot and people knowing the address and stuff, I decided to scrap it and keep using the blog. I also farted around with skinning and then got upset and deleted it.

    Anyway, the moral of the story is, there are a lot of great programs out there and it is a fact that WordPress is one of the best.


  3. I’ve just never seen those free sites as having the functionality of something like this that you install yourself. Do you not feel restricted in someway? I know how you like to tinker.

  4. Yes, because I am restircted, but only to a certain extent. There is an option to take that program and host it on my own site. It also allow’s me to use HTML so I can change a lot of feautres. Nothing compared to having it on your own server or a program like WordPress though.

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