Merry Christmas to all

I’m all set now. Got all the gifts I needed to get and got everything wrapped up. Have ‘the big day’ planned too. It’s Thomas’ first Christmas and therefore it is going to be special. Naturally I’m the first to point out that he won’t remember any of it, will be unaware that it is a special day, and won’t care what gifts he has as long as he gets fed. But that’s babies for you. On one level you have to admire their self-centred attitude to the world.

Anyways, I hope that you and yours have a good one wherever you may be and whoever you may be spending it with. I hope that you have not been sucked in by the cold impersonal corporate crap christmas but instead have chosen to spend this time with people who matter to you. At the end of the day, it’s the people you love who are important, not a truck full of gifts.

So yeah, Merry Christmas to one and all.


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