
We decided to take a little trip up to Northumberland last week. Since we can’t go overseas due to the current coronavirus situation and the quarantine requirement, this was our only chance to get away for a few days of R and R.

…and, in typical Al fashion things didn’t go to plan.

Arriving on Monday afternoon we took a little trip down to the beach and then headed to Alnwick. The intention; a bit of food shopping and fish and chips for tea. We got as far as Sainsbury’s when my car decided to die. The journey up the M1 was easy. The old shit-banger (as it has now been named) handled the motorway with ease. But when I turned the key in the ignition to leave Sainsburys and get a tired boy and tired girlfriend back where we were staying I was met with deathly silence. It turns out the starter motor had started its last motor. We were not going anywhere.

Northumberland has so much to see and do. I had planned on Bamburgh, perhaps Holy Island, maybe even a drive up to Berwick upon Tweed. Instead we were towed back to base and the car was picked up on Tuesday morning by a local garage to be fixed.

Fortunately Tuesday was a lovely, warm, sunny day. We were able to walk to the coast and build sandcastles on the beach.

Dunstanburgh Castle in the background.

Wednesday, the car still not fixed, we were beset by rain. Housebound is not what you want when you’re on your holidays. The East Coast mainline ran past the house and we were able to occupy Lucas watching the trains thundering past. He loves trains. I walked to the village to check on the car and pick up some supplies. We had only planned to stay a few days. One thing we were short on was nappies.

Thursday the car came back. Fixed! Too late to do much that day other than finally get the fish and chips I’d promised myself on Monday. Three days late but delicious and well worth it.

Friday, our last day, we drove to Seahouses and took a boat trip out to the Farne Islands to see the seals and seabirds. I’ve never been much of a sailor and Lucas wasn’t very interested in sightseeing (of course!) but it was a good experience which we’ll do again when the boy is a bit older.

After lunch in Craster it was time to pile back in the car and head for home. Tired after our trip. Lighter of pocket after paying to get the car fixed. Happy to be back in my own bed.

See you next time, beautiful Northumberland!

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