
It has begun. Sarah is moving in at the end of October and therefore we’ve started getting the house in order for when she does. Even sat here, upstairs, I can still smell the fresh paint fumes coming from downstairs. Tonight, we’re going to finish the painting and then perhaps I can chill out for a few days.

The weekend was tiring. Saturday was spent wandering all over town and in & out of D.I.Y stores. We sorted out a bathroom which is being delivered on Saturday ready for fitting on Monday/Tuesday next week. We picked out (actually, Sarah picked out) some wallpaper and I’m going to pay someone to do it so that is looks good and is done properly. I should finally have my cash flow issue resolved in the next week and then carpets will be purchased. The kitchen needs sorting out too. Tiling needs sorting out. So much to do and so little time.

We were going to go away on holiday next week but we’ve cancelled it and instead will be spending the rime getting the house ready. It hasn’t sunk in quite yet that very soon Sarah will be living here. Sometimes it scares the bejesus out of me but mostly I look forward to it. We’re good together and I love her like I have never loved an other.

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