Respawn Entertainment’s Star Wars FPS on the Horizon

Twitter is lighting up with some electrifying news: Respawn Entertainment, the gaming maestros, are cooking up an epic Star Wars first-person shooter (FPS)! What’s more? The seasoned gaming guru, Peter Hirschmann, is spearheading this venture, adding more spice to the already sizzling Star Wars gaming lineup.

While we’re still in the dark about the game’s official title, one thing’s for sure—it’s got its roots deep in the Star Wars FPS classics, taking cues from gems like Star Wars: Dark Forces and Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2. This project isn’t some slapped-together quickie; it’s a labor of love meticulously crafted from the ground up, powered by the formidable Unreal Engine 5. Respawn’s vision is crystal clear: they want to blend the magic of these classics with their own legacy of crafting top-tier shooters to serve up an absolutely fresh and adored gaming experience.

Now, let’s talk about the Respawn magic – their Star Wars Jedi franchise has been an absolute game-changer. And guess what? They’re not stopping at just one Star Wars FPS; they’re also whipping up a third installment for the Star Wars Jedi series. But wait, there’s more – they’re diving into the uncharted waters of a Star Wars strategy game.

Article suggestion: Unveiling the Galaxy’s Finest: The Best Star Wars Games of All Time

At the helm of this thrilling venture is none other than Peter Hirschmann, the gaming wizard who’s previously conjured up fan-favorite masterpieces like Battlefront II and The Force Unleashed. Oh, and he’s the former VP of Product Development at LucasArts! With over 55 video game titles under his belt at Respawn Entertainment, it’s safe to say he’s got the Midas touch, especially when it comes to expanding the Star Wars universe.

Now, you might be wondering, “What’s the storyline? When can I get my hands on this masterpiece?” Well, my fellow gamers, that’s still hush-hush. The title and plot are locked away in a digital vault somewhere. But if Respawn’s track record is anything to go by, we’re in for a treat. Their earlier Star Wars hits like Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and the recent sequel, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, have blown us away. So, while we impatiently twiddle our gaming thumbs, we can be sure of one thing – the galaxy far, far away is about to become our favorite playground, and we’re all invited to the party!

So, stay tuned, gamers, because the Star Wars FPS of your dreams is coming, courtesy of Respawn Entertainment and the gaming virtuoso, Peter Hirschmann. Until then, may the Force be with you, and may your gaming adventures be as epic as the Star Wars saga itself. Get ready to dive into the action because this is the news we’ve been waiting for, and it’s going to be an absolute game-changer.

  1. Hopefully, we’ll get some information soon. When I saw BF3 was cancelled, I said to myself “Nooooooooo!!” (like Darth Vader would say)

    Hopefully we’ll get both a good MP MMO, and SP as well.

  2. I’ve always been a fan of the Star Wars. This new update from Respawn Entertainment about a new Star Wars FPS is like a dream come true. I can’t wait for when it’s going to be here for us to play. I’ve made sure to watch everything there is to watch on Star Wars, so a new FPS game will be an icing on the cake.

  3. Isn’t Respawn the developer of Apex Legends? I love Apex Legends and I love Star Wars, definitely, if this developer is in charge of a Star Wars FPS game, it will be a great game.

    I haven’t liked the latest Star Wars games very much, especially Star Wars Battlefront 2.

  4. A new Star Wars first-person shooter (FPS) game? What a day to be alive as a gamer and Star Wars franchise lover? Respawn Entertainment did a great job with Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. It’s the best Star Wars games I’ve played. Their other games like Titanfall and Apex Legends were very good too. I’ll be waiting for more details to come out about the new game.

  5. It feels awesome to know that we are going to have a Star Wars FPS game. I’m sure every Star Wars fan would be super excited about it. After reading this article, I’m quite sure that this venture into the Star Wars universe is going to be a fantastic gaming experience.

  6. A bit of a departure for Respawn. I thought they were working on a Jedi trilogy? There should be a third instalment in the works. That said, this can only be good news.

    And what if this Strategy game mentioned? That’s intriguing.

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