Sarah should be back today

At some point Sarah will be here and I am not really looking forward to it. We’ve been able to maintain being friends still but that is fine when she isn’t here. I dread her coming home and us starting to have a fight or whatever. Plus, of course, there is to inconvenience of sleeping on the floor downstairs, even though she said (twice) that I could share the bed.

I think that it would be highly inappropriate for us to sleep together after making the choice to end our relationship.

I wish her well, I really do, but I think it is wrong for us to continue to live together, even as platonic friends, after what we had. Am I being silly or does that make sense? The best thing would be for her to stay at her Dad’s until she is ready to move out and to come back here when she needs to for packing her things.

I don’t mind her being her being here unless it gets awkward. I don’t see how it cannot be awkward, you know?

In other news, with her imminent departure, I have managed to acquire a microwave, a fridge-freezer, a kettle. I still need a toaster, so if anyone has a spare one let me know, and I really, really, really, need to go shopping for a pair of sofa’s.

Maybe I should get off my arse today and get to it.

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