Six things about fall you’re looking forward to.

Autumn. It’s Autumn. The season is Autumn.

This’ll have to be quick as I’m due in court today and it’s going to be unpleasant. Six things I’m looking forward to about Autumn.

  1. Portugal. A week in the SUN pretending it’s still SUMMER.
  2. Berlin. I’ll be 40 this Autumn and visiting one of the world’s greatest cities to celebrate.
  3. Cold DRY mornings. Something about a crisp frost makes me feel cosy. I do not like it being wet.
  5. York. Us boys have a fabled last York trip of the year to look forward to at the end of September.
  6. Getting fit not fat*

*Twice recently I’ve been called fat. Once it was suffixed with a c-bomb so I think that was more an attempt to insult rather than offer constructive criticism. Watch this space.

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