Somebody shot Donald

On Saturday at a rally in Pennsylvania, wannabe second term President, old cheesy-wotsit-face himself, Donald Trump, was shot at by an unnamed assailant. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on your political persuasion, the convicted felon survived the assassination attempt.

Biden was quick to jump on the issue. He said,

[There is] no place in America for this. We must unite as one nation to condemn it. It’s sick, it’s sick.

Goddammit Joe, you’re right. He went on to say.

We cannot allow for this to be happening. We cannot be like this. We cannot condone this.

I’m with you, brotha. Amen!

As of two weeks ago, a total of 390 people have been killed and 1,216 people have been wounded in 302 shootings across the United States. That’s just in 2024. That’s just mass shootings. It doesn’t factor in domestic murders, robberies gone wrong, murder-suicides, or any other use of a firearm which resulted in a fatality. To put this into perspective, in 2023 most reports give a number of between 40,000 and 43,000 victims of gun violence. Forty-three thousand.

Forty-three thousand. Just let that sink in.

Trump, the tiny-handed sex-criminal took to truth social with the following message to his legion of sycophants:

He said, “It is incredible that such an act can take place in our country,” and I have to hard disagree. It’s expected that such an act could take place in the United States of America, and here’s why:

Influence of NRA Spending: In 2016, the NRA spent between $30 million and $70 million on behalf of the Trump campaign to assist in his election to the office of President. Source.

Gun Prevalence: It’s estimated that there are 120 guns for every 100 people in America. Source.

Historical Precedent: The U.S. has a long history of political violence and assassination attempts against its leaders. Presidents Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy were assassinated. There have also been numerous attempts on the lives of other presidents, including Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford. Source.

Political Polarization: The United States is experiencing significant political polarization. Extreme rhetoric from both sides of the political spectrum can incite violence. The heated and often vitriolic political environment makes such acts more likely. Source.

Rise of Domestic Terrorism: According to the FBI, domestic terrorism has been on the rise. This includes politically motivated violence from various groups and individuals, which increases the likelihood of assassination attempts. Source.

Mental Health Issues: The U.S. faces significant challenges in addressing mental health issues. In many cases, individuals who commit such acts have untreated mental health problems. The lack of comprehensive mental health care can contribute to such violent actions. Source.

Security Challenges: Despite extensive security measures, no system is foolproof. High-profile individuals like political leaders remain vulnerable due to the very nature of their public roles and accessibility. Source.

International Comparisons: Assassination attempts and political violence are not unique to the U.S. and happen in many countries around the world. Given the global context, it is not incredible but rather a reality that such acts can occur anywhere, including the U.S. Source.

Social Media Influence: The proliferation of social media has allowed for the rapid spread of extremist ideologies and has given a platform to individuals who may be inclined to commit violent acts. This has created an environment where radicalization can occur more easily. Source.

No-one should think that an attack on a figure as polarising as Trump is ‘incredible’. If anything its a surprise that it didn’t happen sooner.

Get well soon, Donald.

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