

August blog-a-day challenge midway review

When I started this challenge I was concerned that I might not finish it. It is very easy to sit and write 31...


Favourite photograph from 2020

I love this. Taken in June 2020 on a rainy summers day. We took a trip to Thorp Perrow arboretum. The weather flitted...


27) London Town

London, you’ve been amazing. Loved every minute even if my feet have not. Two days spent touring as much of the capital as...


26) Why posting a #blogaday is a really bad idea

It’s exhausting. I’ve enjoyed the experience, but it has worn me out. Each day putting together a new post, often some research, proof...


25) Whatever happened to good old fashioned romance?

I’m currently in London and was struggling for something to write about. I’ll write about London when I get back. I turned to...


24) My best blog posts

Fast running out of ideas and fast running out of days on my blogaday challenge. Today, in an effort to fill up a...



Sometimes I think that Twitter is a bit like a school playground. A typical school playground, if I remember what that was like...


22) Attention Seeking

Conversation the other day about attention seeking and people saying that when someone posts a selfie, that’s what they’re doing. Attention seeking; seeking...


21) My favourite quote

“He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss,...


20) Life flashing before your eyes

“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.” Heard that before? The notion of life flashing before...