

An announcement

I’ll end the AUGUST2020CHALLENGE with an announcement. One of the reasons behind the challenge was to increase the number of good news and...


Why do you blog?

Why am I here? Why have I written six hundred (half are private) different entries onto this site? Because I find writing my...


Current relationship status

When you see someone and get a tight feeling in your chest, that’s not a heart attack, it’s love. When I see Fran...


Three Favourite Songs

EVERLONG by FOO FIGHTERS Two of my favourite Foo Fighters tracks are on the ’97 album The Colour and the Shape. ‘Everlong’ just...


Five years ago

We are here for a good time not a long time. Enjoy every minute doing things you love with people you love. Life...


“These things happen”

On Friday we learned that our expected baby didn’t have a heartbeat. Devastated isn’t enough to cover the feeling of loss. I know...


Surround yourself with good people.

For too long I got bogged down in relationships which were inherently negative. I allowed other people’s hang ups, issues and problems to...


Happy Life

I look back over my blog and it’s often filled with angst, worries, troubles, upsets, pain. I was speaking to a wonderful lady...


The feels

I haven’t written anything in a long time. I’ve been dealing, successfully it seems, with the demise of another relationship. It’s an old...


They told my Son I’m a Bad Dad.

I should be going to sleep as I have work early in the morning but I have to get this out. I have...