The fall and rise and fall of Orange – Third Edition

Orange experiences ‘major’ outage

The broadband service run by mobile firm Orange is experiencing a “major” national outage.
Several users have complained that they have been unable to use their connection since Monday afternoon.

The company said the fault on the service, formerly known as Wanadoo, was due to a “third party network failure affecting large parts of country”.

Orange said they were working to fix the problem but there is no indication when a normal service will resume.

“Guys, guys, here’s a great idea. Let’s buy us a broadband provider with a happy and established customer base, rebrand it, and then fuck everything up for that happy and established customer base. Sound like a plan?”

“Yeah! Let’s do it!”

. . .

  1. Wow. Almost like GF…

    “Guys, guys, here’s a great idea. Let’s start us a community-based gaming site with a happy and established customer base, rebrand it, PCify it, alienate the edgy characters who made it great, and then fuck everything up for that happy and established customer base. Sound like a plan?”

    “Yeah! Let’s do it!”

    Almost. I could be way off, of course. Forgot one part: “Money money money money…”

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