Three goals for next year

Let’s be honest here. 2020 has been a strange and terrible year. From the millions of acres of land destroyed in Australian brush fires, to the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, to the official withdrawal of Great Britain from the European Union, to the Harvey Weinstein scandal, to the coronavirus outbreak which has seen 700,000+ deaths worldwide, to the widespread disorder in Hong Kong, to the global #blacklivesmatter movement proving that the fight for civil rights and equality is still a struggle in the 21st century, to the… take breath, 2020, you’re only half done.

I think that you will all agree that we are living in most interesting times.

Roll on 2021 and a promise of better times for all of us. The sooner we put 2020 behind us the better for all humanity.

What am I hoping to achieve in 2021? Let’s talk about something positive.

Joe. I referenced my brother Joe in my last post. He lives a long way from here and between life, jobs and financial issues we have not seen each other for several years. Off the top of my head I can’t recall our last meeting. That situation needs to be fixed. Lucas will be two when 2021 starts and he’s never met his uncle Joe. Next year we shall meet. Be that here or there or someplace in between, the situation must change. My first plan for 2021 is a reunion with my brother.

Holidays. No summer holiday for us in 2020 and my planned trip to Kiev, Ukraine in October is looking like it may fall flat too. The requirement to quarantine for 14 days is just too much of an ask. People gotta work, you know? What was a promise of fun and adventure with my pals is looking bleak. We should be going to Portugal in September but that too is unlikely. Flights get cancelled, the government doesn’t know where it stands on the subject of air-bridges and their decisions are typically no sensical. The recent reintroduction of a Spanish quarantine came on a day Spain had significantly less deaths than the UK. It’s just not worth the risk of booking flights knowing we could be denied a chance to travel that same day.

A proposal? And not an indecent one ala the 1993 Robert Redford/Demi Moore ‘drama’. Fran keeps promising to make an honest man of me. Don’t tell her, but maybe, just maybe, 2021 is the year the question of ‘will you marry me’ gets asked.

What are your goals or aims for 2021?

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