Top 5 Kirby Games

I have done a few different top fives such as my top 5 Super Nintendo games and my top 5 Disney games to name just a couple. Disney is actually quite a good segway as today we are looking at a game character that has more color than the whole Disney vault and that is Kirby! The pink puffball has been in so many great games, I legit had a hard time narrowing down this list!

With that being said, I would love for you guys to write in the comments section what your top five Kirby games are, trust me if you are a Kirby fan, it is way harder to narrow it down to five than you would think!

Number 5

Kirby Super Star Ultra

Nintendo DS

Video game remakes are the norm these days, but one that hardly ever gets brought up is the fantastic Kirby Super Star Ultra for the Nintendo DS. This is a remake of the SNES game and it is packed with Kirby goodness. We get a tremendous remake of Kirby’s Dream Land which is the main event here. We also get a bunch of other game modes too, two of which were not in the original SNES version of the game. This is not just a great Kirby game, it is one of the best games on the Nintendo DS!

Number 4

Kirby’s Epic Yarn

Nintendo Wii

Nintendo 3DS

I have a ton of nostalgia for Kirby’s Epic Yarn on the Nintendo Wii. I played all the way through this with my son and it was such a great experience. Of course, the highlight here is the tremendous visuals, this has to be one of the best looking games on the Nintendo Wii, it has such a unique art style. Granted, the gameplay of the original version is not a typical Kirby takes enemies powers game, but it is still great. I will say that the 3DS version is the best way to play this. Kirby has new abilities and they also added in some mini-games as well.

Number 3

Kirby Planet Robobot

Nintendo 3DS

I had to put Kirby Planet Robobot on here! The Nintendo 3DS has a great collection of Kirby games on it and I would put Planet Robobot right at the top! This is also my son’s favorite game on the Nintendo 3DS. This game is so much fun, in many ways, it is a typical Kirby game, but this is all about Kirby being able to turn into a freaking mech! It is just a lot of fun to play, it has that perfect Kirby difficulty and it is also one of the best looking games on the Nintendo 3DS. Kirby is a colorful and very imaginative series, but this is one of the most amazingly creative games in the franchise.

Number 2

Kirby’s Return to Dreamland

Nintendo Wii

Nintendo Switch

Kirby’s Return to Dreamland is one of the best platformers on the Nintendo Wii. It is bright, colorful, and everything that you want in a Kirby game. It is a very typical Kirby game in many ways, but I love the super abilities where the attack/ability will take up the whole screen. While I do have a lot of nostalgia for the Nintendo Wii version as I played through it with my son, who loved playing as Bandana Waddle-Dee. I do have to be honest and say that Kirby’s Return to Dreamland Deluxe is the way you want to play this game! It packs in more content and it looks even better than it did on the Wii.

Number 1

Kirby and the Forgotten Land

Nintendo Switch

Taking my number one spot is Kirby and the Forgotten Land on the Nintendo Switch. This is one of the best games on the Switch and it takes many of the things that we love about Kirby. It is bright, and colorful and he can get a whole bunch of fun abilities to use. However, this is also the first full 3D Kirby game. I was a little worried about how Kirby would translate into 3D, but Hal pulled it off perfectly! Plus, the new Mouthful Mode is one of the craziest things that they have ever done in the Kirby game. I bet there is a whole generation of younger gamers growing up with the Switch who have this as their first Kirby game and that is awesome.

Thanks for checking out my top 5 Kirby games with me today, this was a lot of fun to put together and as I said at the start, way harder than I thought it would be. Be sure to put your favorite Kirby games in the comments section down below.

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