Top 5 PlayStation 3 Exclusives

Be sure to leave your own list of best PlayStation 3 exclusive games in the comments section down below as I am sure there are some that slipped my mind.

Number 5

Heavenly Sword

Talk about a game that has been just forgotten about! I remember before and during the release window, Sony went all in with Heavenly Sword. I remember seeing trailers for it at the movie theatre, big advertisements and it seemed like Sony felt like they had a major hit on their hands. Nariko was such a badass and so much fun to play as, this to me is Ninja theory at their best as the hack and slash gameplay is super fast paced and very exciting. I also feel that they crafted a really cool story here and no spoilers, but while the ending I guess was kind of “final” I would have loved to have seen more games made in this world. It was a tad on the short side, but it was a game that was awesome while it lasted.

Number 4

Infamous 2

The first Infamous game was an awesome superhero experience that showcased just how great an exclusive PlayStation game could be. I enjoyed the games that we got on PlayStation 4, with Second Son being a real favorite of mine, but Infamous 2 is my favorite game in the franchise. With a really cool morality system, this is a game that lets you become the kind of hero you want to! It has fun gameplay with some cool powers and I thought that they did a fantastic job telling an original story here. I also really liked Cole as a character. I get that Sony has Spider-Man and Wolverine now, but I would love to see them revisit the world of Infamous at some point, but due to the general reception of Second Son and First Light, I am not very confident that it will ever happen.

Number 3

Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction

The Ratchet & Clank series was very well represented on the PlayStation 3 with its own series of games that is known as the “Future” series. I had a hard time just picking one as I really liked A Crack in Time as well. However, the wow factor that this game had when it was first released cannot be understated. This was a true next-gen Ratchet & Clank experience and the presentation was just stunning and showed that the PlayStation 3 was far more powerful than our beloved PlayStation 2. It is a fun action shooter with a hilarious story and it would set the tone for what the Ratchet & Clank series would become over the next few years. I find it strange how they went all in with the series on PlayStation 3 only to hit the breaks on PlayStation 4.

Number 2

God of War: Ascension

I thought for sure that we would see God of War: Ascension on the PlayStation 4 as Sony did re-release God of War III! God of War II made my top 5 Playstation 2 games list, but that did get a re-master on the PlayStation 3. However, God of War: Ascension which is a prequel to everything has been left on the PlayStation 3. This is classic hack and slash God of War action and while it may lack the wow factor parts 2 and 3 had and the novelty of being a handheld game like Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta had. I feel that this is still a fun experience as we get to play as Kratos killing all those that stand in his way.

Number 1

Resistance 2

To be honest I could have put the whole Resistance series on here! This is one of my favorite Sony franchises of all time! Each of the three main games are great in their own right, but my favorite in the series is part 2. Set in an alternate world where the Allies had to fight an invading alien force called the Chimera. This is sci-fi first-person shooter action at its best. I was completely sucked in by the story with these games and the USA setting of the second game was awesome. It was like you were in a big blockbuster movie! It sucks this has never been remastered or even just straight re-released as a collection. I never understood Sony complaining about maybe losing Call of Duty when they had this and Killzone as their own first-person shooter franchises!

Those are my top 5 PlayStation 3 exclusives. There were a couple of other games that came real close to making my list. Let me know in the comments section which PS3 games you feel are the best exclusives.

  1. The first PlayStation console I used was PlayStation 4, I never played any games on PlayStation3. Of all games mentioned here, I have played God of War: Ascension on PlayStation 4.

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