1) Welcome to al’s #blogaday

Two weeks ago I had the stunning idea to spend February 2017 wracking my brains to come up with something to write about on this blog each and every day. I’ve spent the last two weeks regretting that decision. I have also spent that time regretting asking Twitter for ideas to blog about. It was mainly biscuits and boobs which were suggested; both admirable in their own right, but not entirely suitable for writing an entire blog post about. I’m avoiding doing any vlogs over the next four weeks, but I do have – mostly – something to write about each day.

I’ll be sharing each post on my Twitter. So follow me there if you don’t already – you probably do.

My main goal in this is to not post utter pap. That can be a worry. Will my posts be complete gash with trying to fit so much in at the same time? If you think you’ve got a stunning idea for a blog post; contact me and let me know.

See you tomorrow for post 2! (I know, I know, I’m cheating with an introductory post. My blog my rules.)

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