
Is it a ‘girl thing’ to be late for everything you arrange to do? We had planned to leave for a day in York at 9am this morning. To that end I struggled out of bed and into the bath, then to force down my first food since Saturday, then to iron something to wear (Monkey Magic T-Shirt, so cool). Message arrives: I slept in, be there asap. I didn’t realise ASAP meant an hour later!!

The journey to York wasn’t wonderful. On the horizon I could see dark rain clouds, threatening to wash out our day. These clouds reflected my mood. We arrived at York and walked out into a rainy day. Not amused that we might have to spend the rest of the day getting soaked or hiding in a pub or similar to avoid getting soaked, we headed to the city centre.

Only a few minutes into the walk, the rain stopped, the clouds dissipated, and glorious sunshine warmed us. This brought about a change in my mood and I resolved to make the most of the day, and to perhaps try to put recent troubles and worries behind me. It was nice to just be with her. We didn’t do much initially, just walked, looked in shop windows and enjoyed the novelty of being somewhere different. At midday we decided to get some food and headed into a pizza restaurant for some food and a rest from walking. Nice food, and lots of it, Sarah ‘forgot’ the PIN for her credit card so I paid the bill. I’m sure she did it on purpose, but of course she protested her innocence as the Waiter and I both threw an accusing eye in her direction. All in good humour, I’m sure you’ll understand.

From there we headed to the Jorvik Viking Centre, York’s premier tourist attraction. I was interested to see if the fossilised poo was still displayed as it was sixteen or seventeen years ago when I went to the centre with my Dad. It wasn’t and I left disappointed. The tour wasn’t all that good either. They have changed it from what I last remember and you are now transported around the displays in an automatic carriage as opposed to walking and having the opportunity to pause and have a good look as once was. Some changes are not for the better.

We then took a walk to York Minister, an awe inspiring gothic cathedral, the largest north of the alps I am told. I didn’t take any photos as I figured I’d find better on the internet than I could hope to take on my phone, plus also building work spoiled the view a little. Here it is.

We never went inside, maybe next time.

After that, and seeing a trio of Roman Centurions walking past Woolworths (not something you see everyday, huh?), we walked along the city walls, then headed back into the city to buy a DVD that Sarah hasn’t seen*, then took the train home.

Now I’m tired, and need to vegetate. See you in a while.


*She has never seen Fight Club! I thought everyone had seen Fight Club it came up in conversation when we found a Market which was selling home made soap. Those of you who have seen it will understand the reference.

  1. I didn’t get it eventually. The only copy I found was 20 of the finest English pounds. So instead I got four for 20. The Doors, Dear Hunter, Pitch Black, and Castaway (Sarah’s choice).

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