Your goals for the month of September.

I wasn’t going to do this. I did a challenge in February this year successfully and that was only 28 posts and I decided what to write about rather than being dictated to. I so wasn’t going to do this.

30 posts, 30 posts which are preset (and some definitely gender specific; post 16), and me away in Portugal for a week too. It’s going to be tough.

But without further ado, my first post of the challenge, my goals for September:

  1. Complete the September blog challenge. Yes it’s a goal and no it’s not cheating. I know from previous endeavours that working fulltime, running a house, maintaining a relationship, being a daddy, and finding the time for writing is difficult. It requires discipline. In addition to all of the above tasks/duties there’s goal number 2;
  2. 100 push ups a day for 30 days. Something I saw on BookFace. Two guys started from nothing and did 100 push ups a day for 30 days. They both had some good results;
  3. Fix the bathroom. I’ve had damp in the bathroom and there’s no flooring down since I had a new boiler installed. In September I’ll fix that.

That’s enough.

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