15) Blogaday midway review

“Woah, we’re half way there, woah-ohh, livin’ on a prayer!”

Fifteen days in. I would have done this yesterday but I wanted to write about how terrible Valentine’s Day is. As expected I got a card from Moonpig. She hates it when I call her that.

I’m not sure what I expected when I set out on this 28 day challenge. I expected it to be tough; it wouldn’t be a challenge otherwise, but all the same I wanted it to be enjoyable. And it has been; and not only for my own writing, my own posts on my own thoughts.

So what have a learned? That sometimes it’s really difficult to come up with something to write about but at other times the idea just pops into your head and you’re away. I’ve spent the month so far going, “ooh, I like that idea for a post” and reading other writers, other blogs and sites for inspiration.

I’ve switched out old ideas for new. My Favourite Movie/Album/Game was considered but dropped because I’m not a reviewer. I tried that in the past and it just did not work. I wanted to write about things that I was interested in, but also things that other people might find interesting too. I wanted to write about the stuff that’s in my head trying to get out. Writing is therapy, remember?

I’m fast running out of ideas. The last couple of posts have almost cleaned out the Idea Bank. The next thirteen days will either be very interesting or magnificently dull.