In no particular order:

Crete. Never been to Greece before. I’m one of them holiday makers who tends to not go back to the same place over and over again. I’ll always choose ‘ooh never been there before’ over the safe choice of somewhere I’m familiar with. And I’d never been to Greece before.
It was a pretty cool and relaxed place and we had a pretty cool and relaxed time. Food, drink, quiet chill times. Just what the Doc ordered. And then there was that skinny dipping incident.

Devon. Twice! It’s such a different place to the north east it might as well be continental. I spent one week and then one Bank Holiday weekend persistently drunk.

York. Twice!! We used to do York three or four times as year over the summer months. That’s slowed significantly due to work commitments and us growing up. But I’ve managed two weekends on the bounce on York this summer. Seems like as we get older we have less time to spend with friends. It’s important to capture what few opportunities present themselves.

Bamburgh Castle and the Northumbria Coast. Of all the summer days out this one was the best. It was my first time and we took Tom. He loved it! The castle has impressive views of the beaches and there were English Civil War re-enactors. After the castle we drove down to Boulmer beach and stopped at Seahouses for fish and chips.
And finally. This summer my best friend asked me to be Best Man at his wedding. It was an honour to accept at to be part of their special day. Definitely a highlight!