

Why do you blog?

Why am I here? Why have I written six hundred (half are private) different entries onto this site? Because I find writing my...

Mental Health

Your proudest moment

There are a few obvious milestones in life which people will typically think of as their proudest moment. The birth of a child,...


2017, a year in photo review

2017 has been a cracking year for me. Lots of travel, lots of places to go and things to see. I’ve been sat...


Perhaps I was wrong about this.

I saw my brother today. We didn’t speak. I don’t think he even looked at me. He didn’t sit with our parents and...



Just last week it was my privilege to accompany a lovely young lady to Poland for a few days of sightseeing. On the...


Holy Island of Lindisfarne

Lindisfarne, Holy Island as the sun went down on a Saturday late afternoon in January. I don’t think I ever experienced such peace....


Goodbye 2016, or ‘what I’ll do differently in 2017’.

People keep saying that 2016 has been a really shitty year. Mainly as a result of the celebrity deaths we have experienced in...


Spend time not money

I asked The Boy the other day what he wanted to do on Saturday. I had a full tank of diesel and a...


The Rocky Horror Show

“On the way to visit an old college professor, two clean cut kids, Brad Majors and his fiancée Janet Weiss, run into tyre...